Terms of Use

Home Terms of Use

1. Acceptance of the Terms and Conditions of Use

Reichle & De-Massari AG (hereinafter “Siddharsh”) has made the website available on the condition that you accept the following Terms and Conditions of Use without reservation. By visiting and using our website, you agree to the Terms and Conditions of Use. Your right of use is restricted to accessing the website itself, viewing the website and conducting transactions. The Terms and Conditions of Use may be supplemented, modified, or replaced by other terms and conditions for the purchase of products and/or services, for example. You do not have the right to incorporate the website into other websites without the prior written permission of Siddharsh.

2. Right of use

Siddharsh aims to introduce itself by means of an innovative and informative website. Any intellectual property contained therein, such as patents, trademarks and copyright, are protected. No licenses for the use of the intellectual property of companies in the Siddharsh Group or third parties are granted by this website.

3. Intellectual property

Any text, images, videos, software, products, services, or other information contained or displayed on the website may not be modified, copied, exhibited, licensed, published, uploaded, sent, or made accessible in any other way without the prior written permission of Siddharsh or the copyright holder. This excludes the non-transferable and non-exclusive right of the user for his/her own private use, in consideration of all copyrights and other proprietary rights. We wish to point out that images on the website may be subject to third-party copyrights.

4. Trademarks

All trademarks on this website are protected by trademark law in favor of Siddharsh, unless otherwise specified. This also applies to brand names, logos and emblems.

5. Data protection

In using our services, you may be asked to provide information of a personal nature. You are free to decide whether or not to fill out such fields. Personal data is stored in accordance with Swiss data protection regulations. By entering your data, you agree to allow Siddharsh to use it for advertising and market research purposes. Your data will not be shared with third parties. You may revoke permission at any time by contacting marketing[at]rdm.com.

6. Cookie policy

Siddharsh uses browser cookies (hereinafter “cookies”) to make it easier to use this website and other websites and applications operated by Siddharsh (hereinafter “website”) and to gather data to improve the information and services made available on the website.

How cookies work

Cookies are small text files stored by the browser in a dedicated directory on the user’s computer. Cookies store text entered into form fields on a website, for example, so the text does not have to be entered again on your next visit to the website or if you switch between different functions on the website.

Cookie settings

You are free to decide whether our website’s server may store cookies on your computer or not. You may adjust your browser settings at any time to prevent cookies from being accepted or stored. You may instead choose to have a warning appear each time before accepting a cookie or adjust the browser settings to only accept cookies from certain websites. Moreover, you may delete cookies that have already been saved at any time.
We wish to point out that your use of certain functions of our website may be restricted or prevented if you reject cookies from our website. To make it easier to use our website, we therefore recommend that you adjust your browser settings to accept cookies from our website.

Social Plugins

Siddharsh uses so called social plugins of social networks like Facebook and LinkedIn. The plugins will be deactivated by default while you visit our website. This means that no data will be transferred to the corresponding social networks without you taking action. The plugins remain active after entering a social network until you log out from the corresponding social network or until you delete your cookies. We have no influence on the data amount which will be processed by the social networks based on your plugin. Purpose and extent of the data collection and the process and usage of data by the social networks as well as your corresponding rights and configuration options for the protection of your private sphere are laid down in the privacy statements of the corresponding social networks.

7. Web analysis service

Siddharsh uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service by Google Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses cookies, which analyze how users use a website. The information produced by the cookie about the usage of this website (including the user IP address) is sent to and stored on a Google server in the USA. Google will use this information in order to evaluate your usage of the website, to compile reports about website activity for the website operator and to provide further services related to the use of the website and internet. Google may also send this information to third parties, insofar as this is permissible by law or where third parties process the data on Google’s behalf. Under no circumstance will Google associate your IP address with any other Google data.

By using this website, you provide your consent that the data collected about you may be processed in the manner described above and for the aforementioned purpose.

8. Use of external content on https://siddharsh.com/

Content embedded as part of Siddharsh’s  web presence under the domain https://siddharsh.com may have been obtained from external sources. When you request content embedded under the domain https://siddharsh.com , your browser connects directly to the servers of the external source. Content from the external source is sent straight to your browser and displayed on this website. The external source then receives the information that you have requested from the Siddharsh website. The external source is able to register your web activity.

9. Liability

This website has been compiled with the greatest of care. However, we cannot guarantee that the information contained therein is accurate and free of errors. Liability for damages as a direct or indirect result of using this website and/or the information contained therein is excluded, insofar as this is legally possible.

Information on the Siddharsh website may contain specifications or general descriptions of the technical features of products, which may not always hold true under certain circumstances (e.g. due to product modifications). The desired product features must therefore always be confirmed in each individual case at the time of purchase.

The Siddharsh website may contain hyperlinks to third-party websites. Siddharsh neither accepts responsibility for the content of these websites, nor endorses these websites or their content, as Siddharsh has no control over the linked information and is also not responsible for the content and information contained therein. Users access such websites at their own risk.

Although Siddharsh makes every effort to keep its website free of malware, Siddharsh cannot guarantee that its website is malware-free. Prior to downloading any information, software or documentation, users must take reasonable security precautions and use a virus scanner for their own protection and to prevent malware from being distributed on the Siddharsh website.

Siddharsh AG and/or its subsidiaries operate and are responsible for the individual webpages of the Siddharsh website. The webpages take into account the requirements of the country in which the company responsible is headquartered. Siddharsh accepts no responsibility for information, software and/or documentation accessed or downloaded from the Siddharsh website outside of the country in question. Users that access the Siddharsh website outside of the country in question are exclusively responsible for complying with the law applicable in the country from which the website is accessed. It is not permitted to access information, software and/or documentation on the Siddharsh website from countries where said access is illegal. In such cases and in cases where users wish to enter into a commercial relationship with Siddharsh, users should contact the Siddharsh representative in the appropriate country.

10. Compliance with export control regulations

Users that disseminate information, software and documentation provided by Siddharsh to third parties must comply with the applicable national and international (re-)export control law regulations. In any case, the (re-)export control regulations of Switzerland, the European Union and the United States of America must be observed in such dissemination.

Prior to dissemination, users must take reasonable measures to verify and ensure in particular that:

Such dissemination to third parties or provision of other commercial resources relating to the information, software and documentation made available by Siddharsh does not breach any embargo by Switzerland, the European Union, the United States of America and/or the United Nations – also taking into consideration any restrictions on domestic transactions and any circumvention prohibition;
Such information, software and documentation made available by Siddharsh are not intended for any armament, nuclear or weapons technology-related usage that is prohibited or subject to authorization, unless such necessary authorization exists;
The regulations of all applicable sanctions lists of the European Union and the United States of America concerning trade with the companies, persons and organizations named therein are complied with.
If required to enable authorities or Siddharsh to conduct export control checks, users must upon request promptly provide Siddharsh with all information relating to the end user, the final destination and the intended use of information, software and documentation provided by Siddharsh, as well as any export control restrictions that apply in this regard.

Users shall hold Siddharsh entirely harmless against any claims enforced against Siddharsh by authorities or third parties due to non-compliance with the aforesaid export control law regulations on the part of the user and undertake to indemnify Siddharsh against any damages and expenses incurred as a result, unless the user is not responsible for a breach of duty. This does not imply a reversal of the burden of proof.

Siddharsh’s contractual performance is subject to the condition that performance is not impeded by any national or international provisions on foreign trade law or any embargos and/or sanctions.

11. Applicable law

Swiss law applies exclusively to these Terms and Conditions of Use and to any disputes that may arise from or in association with the relationship between Siddharsh and users, to the exclusion of the conflicts of law provisions and the provisions of the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG).